Arduino est la marque d'une plateforme de prototypage open-source qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer des objets électroniques interactifs à partir de cartes électroniques matériellement libres sur lesquelles se trouve un microcontrôleur (d'architecture Atmel AVR comme l'Atmega328p, et d'architecture ARM comme le Cortex-M3 pour l'Arduino Due).
Les schémas de ces cartes électroniques sont publiés en permit libre. Cependant, certaines composantes, comme le microcontrôleur standard exemple, ne sont pas sous permit libre.
Le microcontrôleur peut être programmé pour analyser et produire des signaux électriques, de manière à effectuer des tâches très diverses comme la domotique (le contrôle des appareils domestiques — éclairage, chauffage… ), le pilotage d'un robot, de l'informatique embarquée, and so forth
C'est une plateforme basée sur une interface entrée/fight basic. Il était destiné à l'origine principalement mais pas exclusivement à la programmation multimédia intelligent en vue de displays ou d'animations artistiques, ce qui explique en partie la descendance de child environnement de développement de Processing, lui-même inspiré de l'environnement de programmation Wiring (l'un pensé pour la creation d'applications impliquant des graphismes et l'autre pour pilotage de salles de scenes).
Arduino peut être utilisé pour construire des objets interactifs indépendants (prototypage rapide), ou bien peut être connecté à un ordinateur pour communiquer avec ses logiciels (ex. : Max/MSP, Usine Hollyhock, Pure Data, SuperCollider). En 2011, les adaptations vendues sont pré-assemblées. Des informations sont fournies pour ceux qui souhaitent constructing agent ou construire une carte Arduino eux-mêmes.
Le projet Arduino a reçu un titre honorifique à l'Ars Electronica 20061, dans la catégorie Digital Communities.
Arduino Software 1.8.19 (Windows) Download here
Dec 23, 2021 - Arduino ( Freeware ) - Size : (111.87 MB)
Arduino LM35
LM35 temperature sensor is an analog temperature sensor manufactured by
Texas Instruments. It is extremely popular in electronics because it is
precise, inexpensive, very easy to use and extremely reliable.
LM35 temperature sensor is able to measure temperatures ranging from
-55°C to +150°C in its most precise version and with the appropriate
mounting, enough to measure any temperature.
N.B. The consumer versions are capable of measuring temperatures between -40°C and +110°C.
analog output of the sensor is proportional to the temperature. It
suffices to measure the voltage at the output of the sensor to deduce
the temperature. Each degree Celsius corresponds to a voltage of +10mV.
Download Code LM35
Arduino DHT11
How the Arduino DHT11 sensor works
DHT11 temperature sensor is board mounted and has a three-pin
connector. The DHT11 is a digital sensor consisting of a thermistor and a
capacitive humidity sensor. Besides low cost, DHT11 has the following
features: 3.5-5V power supply, 0-50 degree temperature sensing with 2
degree accuracy, 20-95% humidity sensing with 2 degree accuracy by 5%.
DHT11 Sensor Wiring Arduino
DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor Arduino wiring
thermistor is a thermal resistor whose resistance varies with
temperature, i.e. an increase in temperature leads to a decrease in its
resistance. Essentially, a thermistor is a resistance thermometer made
from mixed transition metal oxides. It refers to measurement technology
and can be used for automatic temperature measurement in various media.
capacitive humidity sensor is a variable capacitance capacitor that
contains conductive copper sheets coated with textolite. This capacitor
is encapsulated in a sealed sheath on which is placed a layer of
desiccant. When water particles touch this layer, its dielectric
permittivity changes, which leads to a change in the capacitance of the
Download code DHT11
Arduino DHT22
Download Arduino DHT22
Arduino Ultrason
The HC-SR04 detector uses ultrasound to determine the distance to an object. No matter the intensity of the light, the temperature or the type of material, the sensor can easily detect if there is an obstacle in front of it. However, it can be constrained on certain types of colors such as black (contrast), or even on materials such as textiles. Its field of vision is approximately 90° depending on the environment. If a pulse of more than 10µS is detected, then the sensor sends a series of 8 ultrasonic pulses of 40kHZ and waits for the signal to reflect. Then, with the speed of sound in mind, it performs a quick calculation to determine the distance.
Download Code Ultrason
Arduino télécommande IR
IR receiver for remote controls is more than just a light sensor. It is
an IR demodulator, the characteristics of which are as follows:
output: idle = HIGH state, active = LOW state
supply voltage: 2.7V ~ 5.5V
wavelength: 940nm
carrier frequency: 38kHz
signal range: max. 12m
Download Code Ir
Allumer une LED par Arduino
Download Code Leds
Arduino flame sensor
All heat sources (above 0K) emit infrared light. The KY-026 flame detection module for Arduino measures the intensity of infrared light emitted by fire over a wavelength range of 760 to 1100 nm. The module has digital and analog outputs and a potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity. Commonly used in fire detection systems.
Download Code Arduino flame sensor
Arduino altitude pressure sensor BMP180
You might wonder why anyone would need to measure atmospheric pressure. In fact, this is very useful for two reasons:
The first is that it allows you to measure altitude. As you travel from
sea level (or even below sea level) to high elevation, the air pressure
decreases. This means that measuring the pressure makes it possible to
determine our altitude... practical when you don't want to pay the price
of a GPS module.
Then, the atmospheric pressure helps to
predict the weather. This is precisely what "Mr Météo" uses when he
talks about pressure systems to make his forecasts.
Download code arduino altitude pressure sensor1
Arduino sound sensor
Download Arduino Code sound sensor
Arduino Infrared Thermometer Sensor
This is a MELEXIS MLX90614ESF-BAA-000-TU-ND non-contact infrared thermometer for Arduino, or any microcontroller that can communicate with it through the I2C sound interface. There are two solder jumpers for the I2C interface that may or may not require soldering depending on your application, but won't do for most uses.