CadOGéo a FREE 2D CAD tool compatible with DWG DXF
You are an architect, surveyor, topographer, you are part of a design office... in short, AutoCAD® is essential software for you. However, its price does not make it suitable for all budgets, even in its lightened LT version.
CadOGéo is a complete software for creating and modifying two-dimensional plans. This free 2D CAD software, available for Windows®, is accessible to both experts and beginners, teachers and students.
It is used to manage the DWG format, a proprietary format used by AutoCAD®, widely used in the world of CAD and CAD, in reading and writing.
For this CadOGéo relies on the libraries developed by the Open Design Alliance consortium, Teigha ™. This allows it to open your old DWG or DXF files up to 2009 format for LT version and DWG/DXF 2022 format as well as SHP for PLUS version.
The application manages graphic objects including Points, Lines, Polylines, Circles, Arcs, Ellipses, Rectangles, Texts, Insert Blocks, Dimensions and Raster Images (in various formats GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PCX, WMF, EMF, ICO, PGN , JBG, J2k, MNG and finally ECW).
The drawing is organized in Layers, Type of lines, Blocks, Styles of text, points, multilines, quotations.
All of these objects are managed in an XYZ coordinate system.
Properties of all objects are easily accessible. Objects can be edited using handles. Different object snaps (including polar) make it easy to draw or edit objects.
Editing operations include Copy, Move, Rotate, Scale, Mirror, Explode, Delete, Join, Trim, Trim, Extend.
The application supports Windows TTF and SHP/SHX fonts, hatching (PAT) and line styles (LIN) from AutoCAD® software.
Copy Paste into the clipboard of drawing elements makes it easy to exchange data from several files open simultaneously.
Cancellation and returns up to 100 levels.
Various zoom possibilities including the use of the mouse wheel.
Print preview.
Customizable interface.
Free and fast download.
Quick setup.
Various extensions, connection with databases and topographical calculations are available. Consult the CadOGéo+ page.
This freeware software is not Open Source. The software contains trade secrets, and to protect it you may not decompile or analyze the software in any form. CadOGéo requires an activation to be entered in the first 30 days of use to function. This free activation is to be requested in the Contact page of the site by indicating your registration key assigned by the software.
You are also not authorized to modify, adapt, translate, integrate into another program or create derivative works of the software.
The product is supplied as is. No liability of the software designer can be advanced in the event of loss of data, loss of earnings, expenses, etc. ...